We scale our profitable businesses and create sustainable change.
We build impactful and profitable companies, different in their business models but all similar in their inherent potential to tackle significant social or environmental challenges. We start, incubate, advise and scale these companies or acquire significant stakes in young enterprises, steering and supporting them in accordance with our vision.
We build profitable businesses that benefit climate and society at large.
Current areas of activity include cleantech and circular economy businesses (e.g. renewable storage, building integrated photovoltaics), project development and contracting services for green power, heat and cooling and financial technology with a focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the liquid capital markets. Once a business is successful, we seek to integrate our learnings into existing systems and public policy to enable sustainable change.
We responsibly pursue our mission with perseverance. We work in diverse teams and partnerships.
Our social and environmental mission is locked into our articles of association. We strive to create well diversified, largely uncorrelated sources of income. This is necessary to attract the more than 5,000 Billion USD per year estimated to be necessary to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We focus on long term value creation, typically picking dividends over exits. We finance our activities conservatively, generally preferring equity over debt financing. Our teams and partners are diverse, well incentivized and treated fairly wherever we work.