Baki Irmak
Supervisory Board
Baki Irmak is co-founder and fund manager of the Digital Leaders Fund, a fund focused on digital transformation and technology companies, backed i.a. by Universal Investment (largest independent investment company in Germany).
Prior to launching his own fund, Baki Irmak was global head of digital business for Deutsche Bank’s Asset & Wealth Management division and member of the Digital Executive Committee of Deutsche Bank. He began his career in 1998 at BHF Bank as fund manager for technology, media and telecom stocks, before joining Commerzbank 2000 as senior fund manager.
In terms of other engagements, Baki Irmak is Initiator and Board Member of AI Frankfurt Rhein-Main (KI network for academia, business and society), co-founder and Board Member of Main-Kind Charity (charitable organization for children in poverty), Advisory Board Member of FRM-United (local investment agency) and co-founder of Afrika Runde (entrepreneurial organization for business opportunities in Africa).
Baki Irmak holds a business and philosophy degree from the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.